Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2 - The Frog Prince

                On a very beautiful and sunny day, a young girl working on her family’s farm went outside to tend to the farmyard as usual. Slipping on her boots and hat, she set out to get her chores done. Washing the barn, feeding the animals, and plowing the fields, the girl worked for many hours until the sun began to set. The girl, now tired and in need of rest, headed to the family’s nearby pond to wash off her boots and enjoy the sunset before going in for dinner. Scrubbing off the dirt and mud from her boots, the girl sat by the water and looked over the trees towards the orange sky. As she sat there and enjoyed the evening air, a small frog hopped out of the pond and rested next to the girl. She turned to look at the frog as it let out a croak to get her attention.

                The farm girl smiled at the frog and lifted it into her hands, looking at his small green face. “Hey there little guy,” she laughed. “I know I’ve seen many critters such as yourself around this pond before, but you look different than the rest.” The frog merely blinked at the girl. “I’m Melissa by the way,” she spoke. Extending out a pinkie to the frog, she waited for him to introduce himself. The frog dipped his head and put his hand on her finger, as if he were saying hello. “You’re pretty smart for a frog, you know that?” Melissa said. The frog let out a loud boasting croak, making Melissa laugh. “I like you,” she said. “You seem like a nice little guy. Why not come live with me inside for a while? It’s probably nicer than being out in a cold pond at night anyway.” The frog let out a little nod in return to Melissa’s words. With the sun now finally set, Melissa jumped up and dashed back to her farmhouse, the frog closed in her hands.

                After convincing her parents to let their tiny guest stay there for a few days, Melissa and the frog were inseparable. He sat on her shoulder as she worked during the day, swam in the pond at sunset while she sat on the shore, she let him sit next to her at dinner and eat off of her plate, and he would rest on her pillow at night while she slept. On the third morning of this cycle, Melissa woke up to see that the little frog was gone. “Where’d you go little guy? Did you fall off the bed?” Melissa asked in a tone full of worry as she began searching the sheets and under her bed. “Where did you hope off to?” As Melissa’s anxiety began to grow, she heard a gentle knock on her bedroom door. Before she could say a single word, a male voice rang out clearly.

                “Open the door, my farm girl dear; open the door your true love is here. Mind the words that you told me by the pond on the sunset night three nights ago.” Melissa stared blankly at the door as she approached it. Twisting the knob and pulling the wooden slab open, an unexpected visitor stood there. A handsome young boy with the most beautiful green eyes Melissa had ever seen leaned in the door way, a smirk worn on his face. He told her that he had been cursed into being a frog by a spiteful magical creature. “You broke the spell by bringing me into your home and showing me true hospitality for three days and nights. Now, I only have one wish. Not your mother’s pearls, not any family jewels or gold. I want something more precious.”

                “What would that wish be?” Melissa asked, still shocked and in awe about the situation. The boy took her hands and held them tight. Melissa’s cheeks flushed crimson as the boy smiled at her and gently kissed her cheek.

                “You,” said the boy, “have broken this cruel charm, and now I have nothing to wish for but that you should allow me your hand in marriage. We will be wed for as long as we both live.” Not hesitating on her answer, Melissa took him by the hand and rushed down the stairs to tell her parents about the news. Although reluctant at first, the parents respected their daughter’s wish to marry the boy she had come to love deeply. Melissa’s fiancé was welcomed into the family almost immediately. He called his parents had told them of his condition; they both nearly had heart attacks at the news! For the next few years, the boy lived with Melissa on the farm, tending to their eight horses, plucking the feathers off of the chickens, and harvesting the crops. At the right age, Melissa and her handsome love married and lived happily together for many years.

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