Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday, November 12 - The Haunted House

              The Party House, a long abandoned and shabby home left to rot, was once a very wild and popular place where the rich owner threw parties and banquets from dusk until dawn. People would show up and have grand balls and exciting soirees as they danced, sang, and laughed without a care in the world. The house was always the liveliest on the block and music and light always seemed to radiate from the windows. If you ever visited this place during its glory, then you could never forget just how much fun and creative the parties were. Although, despite the fact that everyone always seemed to have such a wonderful time here, people complained that some of the parties would get too out of hand. Things were broken, windows would get shattered, and there were a few minor injuries. No one really though much of it, a few cuts and bruises would heal over time, so why stop the fun over something so small? Well, one injury at that house wasn’t as minor as a scrape or bump, and it definitely couldn’t be fixed with a sling or Band-Aid.

                On a lively Saturday night, close to midnight when a particularly rowdy party was at its peak of excitement, something terrible had gone on in one of the upstairs hallways. A number of people were kept in a smaller room and were shot to death while the party continued on. With the party so wild and loud, no one was able to hear the gunshots. The next morning after the people had left and the house was being cleaned up after another night of rich merriment, the owner of the place had stumbled upon the room in which the partygoers were killed. In a wild panic, he called out for one of the hired help to call the police.

                The police came and investigated the scene, as well as put identities to the bodies. Almost all of them were rich competitors of the owner’s company. The cops were suspicious of the home owner until they found his wife lying among the dead, brutally stabbed in the chest, most likely by one of the people kept captive. The dead woman was convicted of killing her husband’s competitors, which were confirmed to have been invited to that night’s party to celebrate everyone’s success in their individual companies, hoping to get rid of their competition so that her and her husband’s business could prosper even more. After this news was released to the public, not many people wanted to go back to the place to party anymore. With the music and crowd so loud and loose, anyone was free to sneak in and do the same thing again. Some people even suspected the owner himself as the one to kill his rivals and wife. Only a few parties were held after that incident, each one with a smaller crowd. The rich man eventually went crazy from grief and hung himself. With no family for the house to be left to, it was put up for sale. A few people had bought or rented the place for a while, but anyone who lived there claimed to have been chased out due to strange paranormal activity. Sounds of footsteps were heard upstairs. Wailing, crying, screaming, and psychotic laughter were also reported in the house as well as the sound of gunshots, only able to be heard at around midnight on Saturday nights. Shadows darted through the hallways and things were knocked over and moved by themselves.

                The house was so sinister that no one bought or rented it. Years passed and still no one wanted the place. It sat there by itself with no one to take care of it. The once lively and joyous presence that the room gave off was now replaced with loneliness and sorrow. The Party House laid on that property forgotten until this very day.

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