Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29 - Two Moons

                 The two researchers stare up at the world above as their damaged submarine bobbed on the sea’s surface. They were confused, dazed, and even amazed by the sight before them. Not one, but two large full moons burned themselves onto the night sky. A web of stars held the two moons proudly for all to see. “This can’t be possible,” one of the men breathed. “Two moons? It’s like something out of a book isn’t it?” The younger  researcher said, looking over at his older partner, who wouldn’t look away from the sky.

                “No, those stars. They’re not ours,” the other scientist said. “No no no, the constellations are all wrong.” He glanced down at the map he held in his hands. “We are not in our world.” He returned the look that his younger counterpart gave him.

                “Then where are we, sir?” The two researchers continued to stare. The older scientist looked back up to the sky, eyes glued to the new night air.

                “I don’t know,” he mumbled. “But wherever we are, we are not meant to be here.” His younger partner began to laugh. The older man glanced over to his colleague. He was smiling gleefully, his eyes wide with wonder and curiosity as the two moons stared him in the eye.

                “But isn’t this great? We have made a discovery that no man has ever made before! There is so much to look for. Maybe,” he said, looking back at the older gentleman, “If this world is inhabitable, we could start moving the younger generations here.” This caught the older one off guard. “Look, I know what you’re thinking,” the young researcher laughed, “It may seem a little crazy, but it could work. There would be less famine, more room to grow and harvest. People would have better lives, no, improved lives. Humanity’s population can continue to grow, we could start making new inventions. This land might even hold something richer than oil. More water than our seven seas, and finer than gold! We could conquer and accomplish more. All we have to do is explore and take this land for us humans.”

                “What if this world has other inhabitants? There could be creatures far more deadly than anything we’ve ever seen before. What about diseases and epidemics? Humans wouldn’t be able to handle that.”

                “Then we’ll make a vaccine. Humans will adapt, they have for thousands of years. We will make do with what we have.” The younger scientist turned and started walking back to the entrance to the submarine. “And for the inhabitants,” he turned back around to his friend and smiled. “They’ll just have to make room for humanity.” With a wink he walked down the stairs and into the submarine’s interior. “Now come on, we have much land and sea to explore.”        

                The older scientist stood there, staring where his fellow researcher disappeared. ‘He’s got a lot of spunk and ambition.’ Before the man could follow his friend, he looked back up at the two moons shining next to the new set of stars. “It makes sense,” he sighed. “But it just doesn’t sound right.” With that, the man pried his eyes from the sky and went back into the submarine to keep an eye on his ambitious student and try to fix the problems that their submarine seemed to have.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday, August 28 - Space, 2199

               “The universe, it’s collapsing in on itself!” Scientists began to panic and run to the many machines that lined the white science lab’s clean floor. Top Scientist Nora Green, the leader for the science lab’s space observatory, stepped in, a clipboard in her hand. One of the scientists handed her a recording device and she spoke into it, recording the following message, “Nora Green, Earth’s galaxy, outer space, year 2199, the universe seems to be collapsing in through a black hole east from our coordinates. The situation is not good.” Ending the recording, she walked over to some of the other top scientists. “How’s our ships condition?” she asked quickly.

                “Well you see,” one of the scientists began. However, he was cut off by the sound of music. The yelling and scrambling all stopped as the people in the lab looked up towards the entrance. Standing in the door, swaying his hips to the jazz music that he was playing, was Hank Letterman. “What in gods name are you doing, man?” One of the scientist asked him. Hank Letterman, a millionaire and one of the few sponsors for the space program, was dancing and clapping his hands at a time like this? He looked up and smiled while he continued to dance to the jazz music.

                “Mr. Letterman,” Nora began as she approached the man. He grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her in to dance with him. “This is very inappropriate for a time like this. There is a crisis going on.” Hank just continued to dance while he looked her in the eye.

                “Yeah I know that, doll face.” Nora wrinkled her nose in disgust at the nickname. “Why do you think I’m dancing? I’m trying to keep myself calm,” he said while flashing her a smile. Before Nora could respond, the scientists began to yell again. “It’s no use! The whole galaxy while be sucked in within a matter of minutes!” Nora tried to pull away so that she could try to help, so that she could do something the save everyone from the demise.

 “We have to go in!” She cried over her shoulder. “We can stabilize the black hole, but we’ll all have to die. That’s our only hope.” Everyone began to murmur anxiously.

“Will this plan work for sure? Is it a guarantee?” Someone called out.

Nora turned back to Mr. Letterman, who was still dancing with her, and hung her head. “No, there is no guarantee that it will work. But it’s all we’ve got. Call your friends and families to say goodbye.” Everyone scurried around, calling people back on Earth, leaving messages, sending in last word to the station back on Earth. Nora and Hank Letterman continued to dance, but slower now. “Aren’t you scared?” She whispered to him.

“Well duh, of course I am. I’m a paranoid wreck right now; I just look too good for you to tell.” Nora cracked a smile. “You’re such an egomaniac,” she laughed, giving him a slight nudge.

“Yeah? Well, you’re probably the second best looking thing on this ship. Next to me of course.” They both couldn’t help but look up at each other.

“We’re almost to the black hole!” Another scientist yelled. Nora and Hank Letterman looked up and out the front window of the ship to see a giant hole so black, it almost looked like it wasn’t there. Nora tried to pull away again, but Hank held her back. Nora turned and looked at him.

“Share this last dance with me. You know you want to; Who wouldn’t want their last dance to be with a young, attractive millionaire?” Hank brought her in closer.

“Not anyone in this galaxy.” Nora breathed.

The last message that the station on Earth got from the ship was the following: “Top Scientist Nora Green, Earth’s Galaxy, outer space, year 2199. Going into the black hole is our only hope to save the rest of the universe. That’s the way it has to be, we’re sorry.” Suddenly, a male voice cut over on the recording. “Hank Letterman, young, attractive millionaire. I love Nora Green, and give all of my money to charity.” The scientists looked at the screens just in time to see a young couple dancing before the screen cut out to static.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday, August 27 - Animal Invention

                Many animals on our planet possess certain characteristics or abilities that we humans do not have, but could use to help us in our daily lives. For example, bats use echolocation to find things in the night, owls have a wider and better view of their surroundings by using their “night vision” to allow them to see in dark areas, and wild dogs use certain sounds to convey messages to the rest of their kin scattered in the area. What if humans did possess the traits that these animals have? What if we replicated some of these skills and incorporated them into our daily lives?

                Imagine if we could replicate the chameleon’s ability to camouflage itself in its surroundings. Looking at it simply, we could study the animal and its naturally born ability and make suits that adapted to any surface it touched or was up against. Or perhaps we could have settings already programmed into the clothing that we could choose from, such as brick, wood, or carpet. Although having that kind of illusive trait could be dangerous, it could also be helpful.

                Rescue missions in deserts and forests could be a lot easier if we could blend into our background. If someone was being held hostage in a building, we could use the suit to subdue the attacker and save the captive in a cleaner, less stressful way. Militaries could use them for their soldiers as well. The soldiers could use bright colors on the suit to send certain messages to people from far away without having to say a word. The possibilities that this suit has is endless. Although it seems close to impossible at this time, science could copy this helpful skill and make it an ability that humans could have in the future.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday, August 26 - Concert

            The blue lights flash and stream out from the top of the stage, spraying over the many fans crowded in for the concert. Fog is pouring out from behind the curtains as the artist steps onto the stage. Screams and clapping erupt from the audience as they cheer on the performer while she walks up to the middle of the stage, readying herself for tonight’s performance. As she raises her instrument to her left shoulder, the noise dies down. The people are now waiting in silent anticipation, waiting for what they came for. Everyone breathes in quietly and out quietly, their eyes never once leaving the musician. That’s when the music started. The beautiful sound quietly spread across the ocean of azure like a single, lonely wave. A small tremolo to accompany the light wubs and bangs coming from the speakers. The music then began to climax as she moved her bow across the strings, faster and faster. The bass dropped and she began to move and sway to the fast paced music. No one moved or cheered, they were too busy watching her move to the sound of the violin. Adrenaline coursed through my body as she played, causing my whole body to shutter from the angelic melody. As the music slowed, fake snow began to fall from above, an allusion to the original music video to the song. Crystallize. It was a name that fit the graceful tune.
           The speed and sound picked up again like a gust of wind swirling through the crowd. Music and sound alike slammed the audience back as she continued to play and spin to the beat. My heart slammed in my chest, and my body numbed, as if I couldn’t move. As if I were the one with snow falling around me in a castle of ice. The music captivated me. Soon enough, everything began to slow again; the song was coming to an end. And as fast as it had come, it all stopped, and the music was replaced with the sound of hundreds of screaming fans. I blinked as the people around me jumped up and down, cheering out for their idol. Lindsey Stirling. She smiled and waved while the man over the intercom announced that the concert was over. The horde of people continued to call out and whoop for her while I stood there and smiled. My first Lindsey Stirling concert will always be the best one I’ll ever go to. I’ll never forget it.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday, August 5 - Literary Character

                                                                    Get To Know The Captain

            If I could bring one character out of any book or comic into the real world, it would probably be Captain America. Why? Well, other than having America’s superhero here would be just plain awesome, in the past few years America has really let itself go. Many fights, debates, protests, and even massacres have broken out within the last 20 years. A few examples are 9/11, the riots in Ferguson, gay rights and abortion protests, and corruption in our society and corporations. Right now, people aren’t really sure what to do about these things or how to handle these situations. In fact, not enough is being done to help people that are struggling. The government isn’t going about these situations in the right way, almost as if they’re trying to fight fire with fire instead of putting the flames out. So who else has such a great sense of justice and strength to do good in this world other than Captain America? Who else is better fitting for the job?


Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, August 22 - Wacky Words

               Tonight was River Valley High’s, the local high school’s, annual BBQ and Prom night. Every year at the BBQ and Prom, people sit back and eat BBQ and enjoy the Prom. It’s always a lot of fun for the students and staff alike. Who wouldn’t want to eat BBQ and have fun at prom? No one. No one at all would want to miss out on River Valley High’s BBQ and Prom. The BBQ and Prom is always hosted in the school’s gymnasium. They can’t help the fact that the BBQ and Prom is a little pricey each year; the price of the annual BBQ and Prom is the only drawback to this exciting event.

                Each year, in the local high school’s gymnasium where the BBQ and Prom is hosted, the entire town gathers to eat BBQ and enjoy the Prom. No one knows why the entire town comes each year, but nobody really questions it. It’s just sort of a tradition that everyone is too afraid to break. Again, nobody knows why. It’s just a simple BBQ and Prom, what bad could come out of not going? The better question is what goes on inside that BBQ and Prom hosted in the local school’s gymnasium each year? Obviously they eat BBQ and enjoy the Prom as stated on the many flyers and a sign around town, but what else goes on in there besides eating BBQ and enjoying the Prom? Are there games or refreshments other than BBQ in there? Is there some sort of secret town meeting that goes on each year? Are they planning an attack on the planet, or discussing the mysterious events and disappearings that happen each year in their strange little town? Or perhaps it’s something more sinister. Nobody talks about what goes on in that local high school’s gymnasium at that annual BBQ and Prom. No one.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, August 21 - Mystery Lady

             The Queen of Puzzles has always been a peculiar and eccentric woman. Even before she had the throne she was odd. The only thing stronger than her love of the strange was her love of art. “Why not combine the two?” She inquired to herself one day. “Why not create something extraordinary and beautiful?” She sat on her throne, as usual, and called to one of her many servants. “Fetch me the finest painter in the kingdom- no, the land!” She exclaimed. “And bring them to me.” Nodding in understanding, the servant ran off to call on a search for the best artist in the land.

                After a few months of work, the servant returned to the land, accompanied by a young and poor artist. She was very beautiful and talented, but she didn’t have much money or supplies to create her masterpieces. That’s why finding her took so long. She didn’t have many pieces of work to show people, so she wasn’t noticed as an artist. Legs slightly shaking, the young artist entered the castle and bowed to the queen. “Your majesty,” she quietly said. “I am here to create a fine piece of art for you, is that correct?” The Queen of Puzzles smiled at the shaky girl.

                “Yes, now please and stand and come with me. We have work to do.” The queen stood and took the girl’s hand and led her to a room dedicated to art. The queen sat down on a chair and waited as the servants came in, bringing tea and cakes for the two. “We have the supplies ready for you, my dear.” The queen mused.

                The young artist sat down with a meek, “Thank you, your majesty.” Sitting down in front of the canvas, the artist and the queen readied themselves for the painting. “Do you have anything in mind, your majesty?” The girl asked.

                “Just make it beautiful, extraordinary, and something that captures my true essence. Make me something that the world has never seen.” The shy artist nodded in understanding and began her work.

                Hours slipped by as the artist finally finished the last few touches to her masterpiece. “It is done, your majesty.” She said. “I do hope you find it suitable for your greatness.” The queen stood and walked over to where the artist sat, leaning over her shoulder to stare at the art. A gasp escaped the queen’s lips as she straightened up and put a hand over her mouth. The artist shook in fear. Has she done something wrong? No, she was almost certain that she had. The painting really was like no other painting seen before. The limbs and fingers looked bent, and her face looked split in two. The clothes crossed and the colors used for the portrait were odd and almost looked random. ‘Not fit for a queen at all,’ the artist thought. ‘The queen will have my head for this..’

                “It’s perfect!” The queen shouted with glee. “It’s beautiful, extraordinary, and captures my true essence. This is a piece of art never seen before!” The artist was baffled, yet grateful by the queen’s comments.

                “You do not find it insulting, your majesty?” She asked.

                “Heavens no, child! It is simply outstanding! You have done a fine job.” The artist smiled at her kindness.

                The painting was hung up above the queen’s throne proudly. The young artist was moved into the castle and continued to make art for the royal family. The painting was titled, “The Queen of Puzzles.” A painting that truly did fit the queen’s reputation and title.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday, August 20 - Alter Ego

               The tooth fairy has always been respected and loved by children. I mean, she flies around the world and leaves money for kids. She has such a hard job, that deserves some sort of respect right? She seems exactly how the children and story book writers portray her. She is sweet with a doll face, thin, transparent wings accompanying her small back, and of course, always wearing a smile. Although people have an idea what she looks like, her appearance always changes, so there is no exact description for her. It’s easier to not get caught that way I guess. The way she’s so elusive is scary to think about, don’t you think? She’s always changing, sneaking around in the night stealing children’s teeth. Don’t you find that disturbing? Unfortunately, that’s not the scary part. I would know. I’ve seen what she’s done.

                It all started when I was about 10 years old or so. I was at school and an accident happened while we were about to get or usual snacks. A bigger kid accidentally knocked into me, and I fell, hitting my face against the side of one of our classroom tables. Naturally, there was blood. However, this time one of my small teeth managed to fall straight out onto the ground. After crying, getting patched up and etc., my parents picked me up from school as usual. “The tooth fairy will be coming tonight,” they said with a small. I don’t think they understood that their 10 year old son wasn’t exactly as excited to have her visit. I wasn’t sure why I was afraid of her at first. I remember waking up crying every time I had lost a tooth, but I would never remember why. I wish that was the case this time.

                It was the night that I had lost my tooth, and I lay in bed too afraid to sleep. Too afraid of her visit. I laid there for a while, I must’ve passed out at some point, because I remember feeling something moving under my pillow and waking up. My eyes snapped open, and I laid there too afraid to move. The moving stopped. I turned on my side, and my mouth opened in surprise. No nose escaped my mouth as I stared at her. The tooth fairy, if you could even call it that. A tall slim woman stood there with my tooth in her hand. Her unblinking, pale eyes bore into mine. I watched as her smile curled up in an, inhuman way. Then I heard tearing. Her mouth began to tear open as she stretched open her mouth unnaturally. It was like watching a crocodile open wide to catch its prey. I saw her jaw unhinge as sharp rows of human teeth protruded out into the air. She took my tooth and jammed it into her reddened gums. I screamed, and blacked out.

                I woke up afraid as usual, but this time I knew why. I ran to my parents, screaming and crying. They reassured me that it was just nightmare. But that’s just it. It was a nightmare, but it was all too real. I will never forget her or what I saw. Even now, at 17 years old, I cry when  I lose a tooth.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

             The carnival is almost always a place where the young, middle aged and old seem to gather and spend their time having fun and enjoying themselves. The bright lights and quickly spinning rides twirling in circles around you, the smell of sweets and deep fried food, and not to mention the cheerful, upbeat tunes and laughter slithering through the air. Those kinds of carnivals certainly are enjoyable. But what about the other kinds you see in horror movies?

                All of the colorful lights, broken and bled out of their color, washing the scenery in a dusty gray. The smell of candy and junk food replaced with the metallic smell of blood and vomit. A smell so sharp that you can almost taste it. The once beautiful happy music, now broken and off key, accompanied by the sound of the monochrome amusement park’s many machines screeching and buzzing and popping. The happy looking animatronics are now broken and frowning, singing in an eerie robotic harmony of torture that adds on to the many other machines’ screaming. The food has been long abandoned by the humans, and is now a rotting feast for the rodents and insects. No one will touch the food stands now. Ripped and broken toys line the games stands, long forgotten and unwanted.

                The rusted rides continued to spin, but slower now, as if they were dancing with the broken notes blared throughout the area, their malfunctioning parts adding on to the insane tune. Caretakers and employees are now gone, abandoned by the park or killed by it. No one knows what happened to them for sure. The only ones left to take care of the park are the sadistically sweet and childishly cruel clowns and monsters. They run around and hide in the twisted up maze that is this carnival. They sing and laugh, calling out to no one in particular. They have gone mad.

Human tears and blood stain the soil where this carnival forever resides. There is no escape. You will become trapped in by your senses. All that you could possibly do is wander helplessly around this hellish carnival. This place mocks the once lively and loving place. It mocks your sanity. Whatever sanity you could possibly have in this sickening hell on earth.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday, August 15 - Kindergarten

                                       Why Some Kids Like School and Why Some Don't             
                Young Lizzie Newman grasped her mother’s hand as they walked down the long and crowded corridors of Long Peter’s Elementary School. The muttering of students, parents, and teachers alike grasped onto the hall’s walls and hung on tight to the air. Lizzie was a shy girl, so it was only natural that she would be nervous on her first day of kindergarten. However, Lizzie didn’t even seem fazed by the loud crowds and new environment. In fact, she seemed more than excited to be at school, unlike a few other kids that cried and clung to their families as if they were being sent away to some dreary boarding school for the rest of their lives.

                As Lizzie and her mother approached the area that Lizzie’s new homeroom was located, tiny Lizzie began to pull in tug on her mother’s hand. Mrs. Newman let a small smile graze her youthful face. ‘It was only natural,’ Mrs. Newman told herself. ‘Most kids are scared on their first day of school.’ Before Mrs. Newman could offer some kind words of comfort to Lizzie, a young woman with auburn hair tied back into a French braid approached the pair.

                “Hello, I am Ms. Daniels,” she spoke with a friendly tune, “Can I help you with anything?” Mrs. Newman looked at the brightly colored schedule that was being held in her other hand and read Lizzie’s homeroom teachers name. Lizzie continued to tug at her mother’s hand as she stared into the room behind sweet Ms. Daniels.

                “I believe that this is our room actually,” Mrs. Newman said in a tone as if she were really asking herself a question. “Is Elizabeth Newman on your class roster,” inquired Lizzie’s mother. Ms. Daniels looked at the clipboard she had tucked under arm and smiled.

                “I do actually,” she spoke. Mrs. Newman let out a breath of air. Remember, the first day is also stressful for the parents and guardians. The two shook hands and began to talk about the class, the upcoming school year, and Lizzie of course. Lizzie was still tugging. Mrs. Newman finally looked down at her daughter, and was shocked by what she saw. Lizzie wasn’t tugging away from the class, she was tugging towards it. “Well I’ll be..” Ms. Daniels smiled as she watched Lizzie reach out to the room. Mrs. Newman smiled as well.

                Mrs. Newman crouched down to her daughter and talked to her, explaining about the class, how she will be back later to pick her up, to stay safe and be nice, etc. Lizzie nodded all the way through, a slight pout on her lips. “Have a good da-“ before Mrs. Newman could finish her sentence, Lizzie dashed off into the room to make friends. The two adults chatted and laughed, and eventually parted ways. The day went on normally for Mrs. Newman, albeit the curious and slightly anxious feeling that gnawed at her stomach. At 12:30 pm, Mrs. Newman came back to get Lizzie. She was greeted with a hug. Lizzie explained on the way home all about her day at school.

                “We learned about shapes!” She said with enthusiasm. “The circles are my favorite!”

                Mrs. Newman smiled and nodded on the way home, and continued to smile and nod when Lizzie retold her story to father at dinner. Lizzie bathed and went to bed as usual. Mrs. Newman sat down in the living room with her husband as they watched t.v. , excited to know that their daughter had a good day at school.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday, August 14 - Gross

       If you can imagine sucking on a slug that has been bathed in greasy hair gel and then has been rolled around in a dirty vegetable garden that has recently been washed out by dirty, salty lake water, and then had old red food dye injected into it, that’s what a raw sliced tomato tastes like. That slimy, bland, watery piece of garbage has a soupy, soily , watery taste that sticks to the tongue and makes me gag as if I was just eating a piece of drenched toilet paper straight out of the foul, sour toilet. However, that’s merely the taste of the horrendous fruit! Its texture is that of a slimy mollusk fresh from a wet soiled garden, and then lightly salted with ocean spray. Biting into one almost makes me think of how a spider bites into the crunchy exoskeleton of a bug and then proceeds to suck out the middle of its vile acidic insides. It’s almost as if you can feel it splat and squirm on your tongue when you chew it. Tomatoes are disgusting, slimy, pieces of filth that should stay in the garden.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13 - Animal


As I blinked open my weary copper eyes, I stifled a yawn and stretched. I lay curled up on my bed, observing the familiar surroundings that I have grown up in. It was noon. I lazily stood, legs slightly shaking, and stalked into the kitchen. My days never have much of a routine, so maybe I'll eat first and then head outside for a stroll in the gardens. My stubby legs carried me to my destination. Ah, my food bowl has been filled already. I bowed my head to the bowl and nibbled at my food. It wasn't as good as what I usually catch in the garden, but it wasn't half bad either. The bell on my collar jingled as I peered up at the opened window, the silky white curtains ruffled in the slight breeze coming through from the outside. Brushing my dirtied whiskers with my paw, I made my way to the window that was left ajar. Sights, smells, and sounds hit me like a harsh wind when I stepped out on the opened ledge.

Green was bathed in many others hues, Light gold washed over the scenery, and the trees and clouds battled for the sky. The white fence surrounding the perimeter almost glinted in the sun. Our small pond almost seemed to radiate its own rays as the light swam on the water. My eyes widened at the sight of our yard. “Our yard,’ I whispered to myself. I turned my head towards the brightly colored flowers on the east side of our yard. “She should be there,” I mumbled into the wind. I leaned forward on the tips of my toes and strained my eyes towards the swaying flowers. There, I saw her crouched down in the dirt, adding more flowers to the already impressive oasis. I smiled, whiskers turning up as a result.

I jumped steadily from the ledge and ran to her. My bell began to toll as my claws pressed into the dirt and then to the air in an almost rhythmic pattern. Hearing the noise, she turned her head and smiled at me. “Hello Patunia,” she grinned. I called out a greeting and jumped onto her lap. “Good kitty,” she sighed, stroking my wispy locks. I purred in satisfaction.

We sat outside the rest of the afternoon, her gardening and me lying in the patches of light under the bushes. This beats a walk any day. I let out weary yawn and curled up into my usual position, the sounds of the wind in the trees and trickling of the pond lulling me to rest. It’s good to be a cat.