Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday, August 13 - Animal


As I blinked open my weary copper eyes, I stifled a yawn and stretched. I lay curled up on my bed, observing the familiar surroundings that I have grown up in. It was noon. I lazily stood, legs slightly shaking, and stalked into the kitchen. My days never have much of a routine, so maybe I'll eat first and then head outside for a stroll in the gardens. My stubby legs carried me to my destination. Ah, my food bowl has been filled already. I bowed my head to the bowl and nibbled at my food. It wasn't as good as what I usually catch in the garden, but it wasn't half bad either. The bell on my collar jingled as I peered up at the opened window, the silky white curtains ruffled in the slight breeze coming through from the outside. Brushing my dirtied whiskers with my paw, I made my way to the window that was left ajar. Sights, smells, and sounds hit me like a harsh wind when I stepped out on the opened ledge.

Green was bathed in many others hues, Light gold washed over the scenery, and the trees and clouds battled for the sky. The white fence surrounding the perimeter almost glinted in the sun. Our small pond almost seemed to radiate its own rays as the light swam on the water. My eyes widened at the sight of our yard. “Our yard,’ I whispered to myself. I turned my head towards the brightly colored flowers on the east side of our yard. “She should be there,” I mumbled into the wind. I leaned forward on the tips of my toes and strained my eyes towards the swaying flowers. There, I saw her crouched down in the dirt, adding more flowers to the already impressive oasis. I smiled, whiskers turning up as a result.

I jumped steadily from the ledge and ran to her. My bell began to toll as my claws pressed into the dirt and then to the air in an almost rhythmic pattern. Hearing the noise, she turned her head and smiled at me. “Hello Patunia,” she grinned. I called out a greeting and jumped onto her lap. “Good kitty,” she sighed, stroking my wispy locks. I purred in satisfaction.

We sat outside the rest of the afternoon, her gardening and me lying in the patches of light under the bushes. This beats a walk any day. I let out weary yawn and curled up into my usual position, the sounds of the wind in the trees and trickling of the pond lulling me to rest. It’s good to be a cat.

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