Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tuesday, August 19 - Scariest Place

             The carnival is almost always a place where the young, middle aged and old seem to gather and spend their time having fun and enjoying themselves. The bright lights and quickly spinning rides twirling in circles around you, the smell of sweets and deep fried food, and not to mention the cheerful, upbeat tunes and laughter slithering through the air. Those kinds of carnivals certainly are enjoyable. But what about the other kinds you see in horror movies?

                All of the colorful lights, broken and bled out of their color, washing the scenery in a dusty gray. The smell of candy and junk food replaced with the metallic smell of blood and vomit. A smell so sharp that you can almost taste it. The once beautiful happy music, now broken and off key, accompanied by the sound of the monochrome amusement park’s many machines screeching and buzzing and popping. The happy looking animatronics are now broken and frowning, singing in an eerie robotic harmony of torture that adds on to the many other machines’ screaming. The food has been long abandoned by the humans, and is now a rotting feast for the rodents and insects. No one will touch the food stands now. Ripped and broken toys line the games stands, long forgotten and unwanted.

                The rusted rides continued to spin, but slower now, as if they were dancing with the broken notes blared throughout the area, their malfunctioning parts adding on to the insane tune. Caretakers and employees are now gone, abandoned by the park or killed by it. No one knows what happened to them for sure. The only ones left to take care of the park are the sadistically sweet and childishly cruel clowns and monsters. They run around and hide in the twisted up maze that is this carnival. They sing and laugh, calling out to no one in particular. They have gone mad.

Human tears and blood stain the soil where this carnival forever resides. There is no escape. You will become trapped in by your senses. All that you could possibly do is wander helplessly around this hellish carnival. This place mocks the once lively and loving place. It mocks your sanity. Whatever sanity you could possibly have in this sickening hell on earth.

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