Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8, Monday - America, Fairyville?

                 Although never seen or identified, the mischievous creatures are almost always present. They could be, or are, the gardener, the veterinarian, a caretaker, or perhaps even a Plummer. As time passes on, they will change their form accordingly, to fit the time or place in society. But who are these elusive creatures? Why, they are fairies. They may not be the cute, two foot tall beauties with wings, but that doesn’t mean they are not real or take part in the society. Your society, their society, even my society. The fairies look like the average human and even take on human jobs. In fact, it is not unusual for this type of species to work with humans in the slightest.

                One fairy in particular, is named Janice. A water-bending fairy hailing from the west coast of the United States, she holds a passion for water, and especially aquatic animals. So it is no wonder that she works at an Aquarium in California. There, she does what the other humans do. She feeds the animals, helps clean the tanks, welcomes visitors, and takes people on tour groups throughout the facility. You can see her happily and passionately educating people on the wildlife and their habitats, as well as their behaviors and personalities. Not only that, but she remembers to inform people on the importance of keeping the animals’ habitats clean and safe for their kind.

                Sometimes after hours she will stay and speak with the animals, asking them about their days in the Aquarium and calming them to sleep. She’ll re-clean the tanks by using her power over water, and then bid them goodnight. Surprising to someone who didn’t know of her kind, she doesn’t sleep in the aquarium. She’ll go home to her flat in the city. She will eat regular human foods, sleep in regular human beds, and of course wake up to an average alarm and go to work.

                That doesn’t sound too out of the ordinary, right? Just an average girl that has a passion with her job and attends work and social activities regularly. She is one of the many fairies that do this scheduled routine each day. One could say that there is nothing extraordinary about it. It could even be described as mundane or average. With no suspicion, and no need for any, these creatures will work happily beside other fairies and people alike, usually taking their job seriously with a passion.

                So even if you don’t believe in the existence of these creatures, please respect others and their jobs around you. You never know if you’re dealing with a fairy or not. And remember, they are known to cause mischief to those disrespectful around them.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this. I liked how the fairy was just like us and nobody knew that she was a fairy and that she got a job that fit her water-fairy interests. The only thing I would fix is maybe make it more of a story by adding dialogue or more physical descriptions. Other than that, it was a very good story.
