Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Film Review

                  The new action and science fiction film, Hugo, raised many questions and sparked interest in those who have gone to see this film. Questions such as, “Is it really okay to dangle a boy from a clock tower and record it because he won’t read his lines right?” Or ones such as, “Do you really think a boy could die from being whacked in the head with a wooden board for not cooperating on set?” One concerned mother had to ask after seeing this film. Well considering that most people came to see this film for that one particular scene, the answer must be yes! At least that’s what most of the kids who saw this movie had to say. Young John Kelsey in the 2nd grade had to say this after catching the film with his parents and not so supportive older brother: “Dangling from a clock tower looks like fun! Maybe my dad will let me try doing that from his shed.” Unfortunately that’s all we got out of the kid before his mother pulled him away and his brother punched our recorder in the nuts before threatening to throw the rest of us off a cliff into the jagged rocks jutting out of the Atlantic Ocean just like in the movie. Which was also a very exciting scene, some people had to say.

                Audience members were shocked and moved to tears while watching this film, most likely due to the fact that it was mostly a movie about antagonizing and torturing a young actor. But hey let’s just forget to censor that and let kids go and see it right? Apparently, that’s what the director had in mind. “I wanted the movie to have a certain […] feel to it. I wanted the audience to be on the edge of their seats. Now could you please untie me and let me go?” Director Martin Scorsese had to say. Well, that’s all we have to say on this movie. If the cops ask if you’ve seen us, tell them that that one kid got to us first. Stay tuned for next month’s movie review.

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